June 16th 2001 - L.A. Dopefest

Left to right: Cowboy Greg's husbamd, JavaMaven, Cowboy Greg, Highlander, Domina, Johnny L.A., pricciar, Melin, Esprix, Mercutio (pinching Esprix's nipples), Spiny Norman (in front), Monster104, Shayna and Doobieous.

Place: El Torito, Redondo Beach

Guests of Honors: The Loveboids, Spiny Norman and Shayna

Those in attendance: Spiny Norman, Shayna, Johnny L.A., Doobieous, pricciar, Mercutio, SPOOFE, exchicagoan and friends, JavaMaven1, Monster104, Cowboy Greg and husband, Esprix, domina, Rilchiam and Mr. Rilch, Melin, Highlander.

Those who got lost: Heloise.

Homoerotic moments shared: 2,452,097

He who does all the work: Mercutio

Photographer: SPOOFE

Procrastination most held by: SPOOFE

Fun had: Tons.

The Blackmail

This page brought to you by the hardworking Mercutio, tpyos and all.